Our Mission

Hubli Chess Academy (R) is dedicated to providing effective chess coaching ranging from young students to senior and veteran players.

The game of chess is known to enhance the development of valuable critical thinking and creative problem solving skills in children that later can be applied in maths and science.

Chess is a universal learning tool; it offers a rare combination of learning and playing.

In Hubli Chess Academy (R) classes we offer optional homework for interested students for a faster improvement, our curriculum and activities are designed to develop and enhance natural ability of each child keeping in mind of his/her interest towards the game.

We provide active ways of learning such as effort with puzzle solving, memorizing for improved memory, frequent testing and evaluation to ensure effective learning, participating in chess tournaments, special classes etc. Children who are interested in competing in chess tournaments will get best available help on how to improve and prepare for chess competition.

Participation in competitions is an important part of the chess training. It develops many great skills as well as work well under stress, take defeat with a grace and to respect friends and opponents.